Welcome to Guzzler829's Repo

About me:

I love music. I play the guitar, bass guitar, ukulele, bagpipes, and a few other instruments. I love cooking and baking, and I work as a baker. Learning languages has been a favorite passtime of mine, and I speak Esperanto and some German. I'd love to travel to Germany and Austria someday. My dream job is to be a US Senator, but that's probably in the distant future. Someday, I hope to live out west, probably in Colorado. Programming is also a big interest of mine— I've been programming since I was about 10 years old, and lately I've gotten much better at it. I've been making iOS tweaks and webpages lately.

Currently (May 2022), I am taking a coding boot camp with Promineo Tech. I hope to get a job in front-end development sometime soon after I finish the boot camp. So far in the boot camp, I've learned the fundamentals of JavaScript, how to make webpages with HTML, how to style webpages with CSS, Bootstrap, and JQuery. Lately I've been working on CSS animations (see below!) and getting better at using Bootstrap. Soon, I'll be learning to use React.JS. I'm excited to enter the field of front-end development, as I've been enjoying the boot camp quite a bit.

A picture of myself and my dog in front of me.
Me and my dog Annie

Causes I Support

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Chosen With A Mission

Chosen With A Mission is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that I am a part of which has achieved much for the Chosen Junior School in Matugga, Uganda, run by James Kintu. I have been to the school three times now, but in 2020, we could not travel due to COVID-19. The pandemic has taken a major toll on much of Africa, including Uganda. This has resulted in the children being out of school for the last two years. Any amount you would like to donate is much appreciated.

Go To Chosen With A Mission's Website
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The UN Crisis Relief Fund for Ukraine

If you follow the news at all, you know what's happening in Ukraine. If you don't you, probably are wondering why gas prices are so high.

Help Ukraine

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I'd appreciate it greatly.

Thank you for donating.
You can also give to my Cashapp: $guzzler1

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